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Perfect Starter home photo 1 Perfect Starter home photo 2 Perfect Starter home photo 3 Perfect Starter home photo 4 Perfect Starter home photo 5 Perfect Starter home photo 6 Perfect Starter home photo 7 Perfect Starter home photo 8
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Perfect Starter home

N$ 1 000 000
Rocky Crest - N$1 Mil, Transfer & Bond costs Included.
Townhouse offering; 2 Bedrooms, 1 Full Bathroom, Open plan Lounge, Kitchen, Courtyard with braai, 1 Carport.
Levies N$850 per month. COW Rates & Taxes with water N$500 - 800 per month.
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Leandra Rightmove Properties

Ads by user: 14
User since: 05/12/2021
Location: Windhoek
Ad ID: 53821
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