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Hard Epoxy for garage/shop floors/walls or steel photo 1 Hard Epoxy for garage/shop floors/walls or steel photo 2 Hard Epoxy for garage/shop floors/walls or steel photo 3
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Hard Epoxy for garage/shop floors/walls or steel

N$ 5 000
2 x 20 liter. A two-component, high-solids, fast-drying polyamide epoxy mastic that is mixed 1:1 ratio part A and Part B. High quality epoxy ensures long life span on any concrete or steel surface. Designed to protect steel and concrete in industrial exposures, Macropoxy® 646 Fast Cure Epoxy is ideal for garage or workshop floors, maintenance painting and fabrication shop applications where heavy traffic and easy cleaning is expected. The high-solids content ensures adequate protection of sharp edges, corners and welds. Macropoxy applies easily by brush, roller or spray gun. N$4000.00 for 18 liters of each component. This is enough to give any large double garage at least 2 coats for a durable finish. 20 drums available. Whatsapp me on +264817316529
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